Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Holy Cupcakes, Batman!

It's been an eternity since I've been on here.

Since my last Captain's Blog, I have:

-Had two job interviews for two Assistant Buyer positions.

-Been offered one of the Assistant Buyer positions (and then learned both Merchandisers were fighting over me! Ego boost!).

-Accepted the offer, wrapped up my old job (goodbye Administrative Assistant position and hourly pay).

-Hosted our Housewarming Party (where I got buzzed after ONE drink and called my cousin Logan "Luke" due to the fact that I had been running around madly getting prepared for the barrage of people coming to view our home since 7am that morning and all on an empty stomach). But we partied until 2am! It's so sad I'm excited about it, but the 8-5 schedule really makes your chances of viewing Conan on a regular basis a huge challenge.

-Went down to Bend and saw Beck in concert (it was ethereal. Amazing.).

-Started my new, salaried job as an Assistant Buyer and loving it,

-Attended my brother-in-law's wedding


I've been busy. Plus most of the above events have been uneventful enough to where there are no funny anecdotes for me to write about. Lame, huh?

Or maybe I just need to see the funny in these stories....Oh well.

This is probably the lamest blog ever.




(and you have to say it like Comic Book Guy)

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