Thursday, May 22, 2008

Starbucks Secrets

I heart Starbucks.

I only go there about once a week (twice if it's been a long and tiring week), and indulge in caffeinated goodness.

I go to the one on Powell close to 39th--it has a drive through and a walk up area. That's it.

I recently discovered the secret to getting your coffee quick: go to the walk-up barista. But only if the drive-through line is out into the street--if the drive-through line is short, driving through will usually be quick and painless.

I absolutely revel in the experience as I walk away from the walk-up area to my car as the vehicle (who would have been in front of me had I gone the drive-through route) is just getting to order their coffee.


I just discovered today the greatest invention of Starbucks!!

The plug.

Too often have I scrambled in the drive through to unwrap my straw (yes, I drink coffee through a straw. It's better for my teeth and I have a hard time drinking hot liquids without a straw) before I take off so that my coffee doesn't splash all over my precious brand new car when I hit a bump. It's either that or drive like a nearly-blind elderly person who refuses to have the keys yanked from her hand.

But now I can just grab my straw and go because they have implemented the plug for your coffee cup.

It's just a little green plastic thingie that looks like a custom-to-Starbucks coffee stirrer. But it fits right in the drink hole (hehe--drink hole sounds funny), so there is no splashy and a happy Holly with a clean GTI.

Sorry- I am easily amused and entertained.

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